+61 7 3332 8888
Check In
Sep 16
Check Out
Sep 18

General Booking Information

General Booking Information and Conditions

  • Check in time is 2pm. Check out time is 10am.
  • Once your booking has been made a confirmation of the booking and any payment made will be sent to you via email to the address you provided at the time you made the booking.
  • Some rates which are quoted are valid only for a minimum number of nights and if the number of nights included in your booking changes, the rate may also change.
  • Bookings that allow for amendments in the conditions may be requested by emailing the hotel reservations email or calling the hotel.
  • If you cancel a booking where payment has not yet been made, within 24 hours of your scheduled check-in time, the equivalent of one night accommodation will be charged to the credit card provided at the time of booking.
  • If the rate which applies to an amended booking is greater than the rate which applied to the original booking, you will be charged the difference along with any amendment fee in full at the time the amendment is approved.
  • The whole Mosaic precinct is a non smoking precinct. Guests may smoke on Church, Ann or East Streets but not at Mosaic. That includes the hotel rooms and hotel balconies.

General Payments & Refunds

  • Payments may be made by Visa, Mastercard, Diners and American Express.
  • A 1.5% surcharge will apply to Mastercard, Visa. 3.5% to American Express and Diners.
  • The currency applicable to any quoted rates will be specified with the quoted rate. All quoted rates are subject to change at any time until full payment is received.
  • To the extent permitted by law any amount paid by you to Alpha Hotels for your booking is non-refundable unless stated otherwise in the terms and conditions relating to the rate or package booked.
  • Quoted rates do not include transport to or from the Participating Property or items of a personal nature including but not limited to laundry, telephone, taxis, room service, meals or transfers, airport taxes), unless otherwise indicated.
  • As with every hotel, we will ask guests for a pre-authorisation. A Pre-authorisation is a bond or deposit held at check-in to cover incidentals (minibar use, restaurant charge backs etc) and possible damage to the room (smoke taint, carpet/joinery stains, damage to items in the room etc). If paying by CC we simply put a hold on funds on the customers CC. We don’t charge the CC and depending on the bank, the bank will release this hold between 5-7 days after departure. If paying by cash, we will ask for upfront payment + a cash bond.