+61 7 3332 8888
Check In
Jul 27
Check Out
Jul 29

Corporate and Government Rates

If you book regularly, or have extended hotel stay requirements for business travel to one or more Alpha Hotels, you will may be eligible for Corporate or Government Rates Benefits that will result in real savings.

Please contact our Director of Sales on 02 8889 7700 or complete the Rate Benefit Request form.


Whether it is accommodation required for work, for regular travel into your head office or you are on the road seeing customers, we will make sure your loyalty is recognised with Rate Benefits that are right for you.

We will be happy to discuss your travel and accommodation plans with you and make sure you receive the best Corporate or Government Rate Benefit possible.  This includes the ability to book the Rate Benefit 24/7 on our mobile-friendly website with a booking code for the Rate Benefit agreed with you.

Simply contact the hotel directly or complete the Rate Benefit Request form.


Alpha Hotels are located in thriving Business Centres and Corporate Parks, so we have a wide range of facilities and services designed with Business travellers in mind – both for work and some much- needed down-time.

Please feel free to ask us to assist you in your forward bookings.  We are experts at working with in-house travel agents and travel management and will do our best to get the best advice and rate possible.

Please contact Alpha Mosaic Hotel Fortitude Valley directly or complete the Rate Benefit Request form.